Sunday, November 15, 2009

Kathy Rinaldi Hope

Dear Ellen II

You've shown immense compassion and understanding for so many given societies rare circumstance. I know you cannot help everyone, and I imagine you stay true to what causes you most care, but I appeal to your compassion and empathy and hope that all children may live their best life.

I am hoping to appeal to your sense of hope for children.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dear Ellen:

LIVE LOVE DANCE  Your creed, and a motto all would be better if lived by.....

I am hoping to appeal to your sense of hope for children.

I've made it my life's mission to ensure all children live their best life and in order to do so, we must provide all children with the appropriate tools beginning with offering the most resources to assist all children with the hopes of being carried to a full term. The best way to even begin is to address this issue.

1 in 8 births are premature and the March Of Dimes has given our country a D grade for their insolence surrounding this cause. We can correct this grade simply by making the country aware. 

As someone affected first hand by having Anthony born this past 8 June 2009 at 2lbs. 1oz, and who runs an organization who's mission is to Ensure All Children Live Their Best Life, we support the March Of Dimes, and city agencies like Manhattan's HTA.

We propose a segment that spreads awareness to a cause that can be easily avoided given simple awareness. What we would like is to have myself- President/Founder of a 15 year 501 c3 incorporated organization on with Anthony who born at only 2lbs. 1oz. to put a face to the cause come on the show to discuss Premature births.  We have also suggested a representative of The March Of Dimes, and the director from New York's HTA Early Prevention.  On the show we would like to give the audience March Of Dimes Bands, t-shirts, and gift items.  We also have many friends in the television, film, and recording world who I believe would be more than happy to join us.

Forgive my over zealousness, but although my son is at a healthy rate, the though of any permanent impairment that could possibly have been prevented frightens me. We would all- most of us give our very lives for the healthy certainty of our children and I'm no different. If we knew what we know now, Anthony wouldn't be fighting to have what 88% of all children take for granted. But together we can significantly raise that percentage and ensure more children be carried a full 9 months.

I'm begging you. 
November is National Preemie Awareness month and I would like to publicly applaud The March Of Dimes, and HTA of New York for their tireless and deep commitment to both the prevention of premature births and salute the programs in effect that help to correct the problems after the fact. We, as a national incorporated non-profit support the fight of healthy children and ensure that all children live their best life. I, cannot do it alone and am seeking your assistance on helping me bring about awareness. 

You obviously have a formula that is hugely successful, but in times like these people not only look to a celebrity talk show to escape, they also look towards these high profile shows to bridge gaps. We at KathyRinaldiHope utilizes the power of celebrity to make change. They offer voices that are heard. To us it doesn't as much matter where the awareness comes from, but that it is heard.  And thank you for all the many different issues you have talked about and thank you for all the people you have helped- both directly and indirectly.  

Please follow the link to a blog that was set up to provide a more detailed account of what we stand for and hope to achieve. In addition, we are a 501 c3 incorporated non profit guardianed by Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, & Flom. 
Every year 543,000 births are premature and the greatest contributor to infant mortality, including lung, brain, eye, heart, and spine underdevelopment. The March of Dimes are doing tremendous work and outstanding efforts to prevent prematurity so that all babies get their 
important nine months. And organizations such as HTA of New York offer in-home care to all children born prematurely to ensure proper development of brain, muscle, and eye development. The March Of Dimes has declared November to be National Preemie Month and we as an organization that ensures all children live their best life would like to acknowledge November being National Preemie month because the only way to ensure that any child could live their best life starts with the hope of a full term birth and to be fully developed and this can only be achieved with proper awareness and proper care. 
Aside from my soap box, I would like to tell you how much we enjoy your show- myself and my parents. And most importantly, we wish you much continued success. Your show is definitely a great sense of both enjoyment and entertainment and is much to look forward to. 
My entire life has gone to making the world a better place, and you have the ability to change the world. Even if one baby is brought to full term through our message, his/her life will be forever improved. 
Thank you for your time, and may you have a long, happy, and successful run. 
Best Regards, 
John M. Rinaldi 
President/Founder of KathyRinadliHope 

Friday, May 22, 2009


Monday, May 18, 2009

You continue to inspire, entertain, and impove the lives of so many!

Dear Ellen:

Coureageous and brave, you are an inspiration to us all.

Not to many people have the courage to rock the boat- most are to afraid of losing what is most of value.  I think what makes you so important to us all is that you told the world what is most of value to you and in return you single handedly defined humanity at it's best.  

The world stopped still as "Ellen" came out.  It was head line news and at the time seemed like career suicide.  The world became vastly aware of the fact that you thought more of yourself than revenue, and as we were all sadenned to see you go, you became the unsung hero.  The success of your talk show and with the 1000th episode under your belt, have reclaimed what is duly yours.  Once again, you have proved that you are a force to be reckoned with and in the process have become loved by all.  In a sense you achieved what you so nobly set out to do.   How impressive are you! 

What defies a hero to me is more than what we find in comic books.  It's more, much more than being a crime fighter and fighting for truth and justice, it's the giving of one's self for the greater of many.  That is what you have done for us.  

This goes far above and beyond any barrier defined by race or creed....  It extends to all of us outside the norm, to all of us who's sense of self extends beyond what society contains and to all of us who's very being is more about giving than self attainment.  

Congratulations on your 1000th show, to you and Portia, and your new niece.  May you all have great health, happiness, and continued good fortune.

All my best,

John M. Rinaldi

ps. there is so much more I would like to add but somehow here it would seem self serving.....